Flat Cable 2C+E TPS

Notice Date

Tuesday 08 December 2015

Product Description

Product description

Flat Electrical Cable 2 Core and Earth PVC Insulated and Sheathed 450/750 CLASS 2 type, commonly known as “TPS”

Identifying features

VVF2C1E105 (1.5mm2 TPS) marked with the year 2013, VVF2C1E205 (2.5mm2 TPS) marked with the year 2013, VVF2C1E004 (4mm2 TPS) marked with the year 2013, VVF2C1E006 (6mm2 TPS) marked with the year 2013

What are the defects?

The cables fail the required ageing tests of AS/NZS 5000.2. The insulation could become prematurely brittle with age.

What are the hazards?

If the insulation becomes brittle and the cables are disturbed, the insulation could break and expose live conductors, resulting in possible electric shock or fires.

Dates available for sale

9th October 2014 - 19th September 2015

Where the product was sold


Traders who sold this product

SKL Cables Australia

What should consumers do?

Do not install the cable. Unused cable should be returned to the place of purchase for replacement.

House occupiers who are concerned that this cabling may have been used in their homes should contact their builder or licensed electrician and ask if they have used SKL brand cable in the wiring of the house. If SKL cable is identified, the home owner should contact SKL cables on (07) 3341 3216 for further action.

SKL are currently contacting all customers who have purchased and installed all affected products, and have engaged an electrical contractor to rectify this situation.

PRA number: 2015/15070

Organisation Name

Shanghai Mining Cable Pty Ltd