VAIO Laptop Battery Packs
Notice Date
Tuesday 01 March 2016
Product Description
Product description
VAIO Laptop Battery Packs
Identifying features
What are the defects?
Some battery packs, manufactured by Panasonic for Sony, which are supplied with these products are in a batch that has the possibility to overheat due to a manufacturing issue.
What are the hazards?
If the battery overheats, this poses a potential fire and burn hazard to consumers.
Dates available for sale
1st December 2012 - 1st September 2013
Where the product was sold
Traders who sold this product
Sony Authorised VAIO retailers including Sony Web site, Sony Centres, Harvey Norman, JB HiFi
What should consumers do?
Check the battery Serial Number to determine if it is in the batch in question. If so, cease using the battery and only use the PC on AC power via its supplied adaptor. Contact Sony to arrange a replacement battery.
PRA number: 2016/15231
Organisation Name
Sony Australia Limited