Autoplus 48" High Lift Farm Jack
Notice Date
Wednesday 02 March 2016
Product Description
Product description
48" (inch) High Lift Farm Jack
Identifying features
What are the defects?
Affected high lift vehicle jacks do not comply with the labelling or instructions required in the mandatory standard for vehicle jacks, which is based on the Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 2693:2007.
What are the hazards?
Jacks that do not comply with the mandatory standard pose a crushing hazard. This may result in serious injury or death.
Where the product was sold
New South Wales
Traders who sold this product
Via online store
What should consumers do?
Consumers should cease using the product and arrange for a refund. For further information, please call 02 9313 5988.
PRA number: 2016/15232
Organisation Name
Autoplus Pty Ltd