Porsche Cayenne 92A

Notice Date

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Product Description

Product description

Porsche Cayenne 92A - All Variants from 2011-2016.

Identifying features

VIN Range: WP1ZZZ92ZBLA00200-WP1ZZZ92ZGLA93870

What are the defects?

A circlip on the bearing bracket of the brake pedal may become detached from its locking position. As a result, the bearing pin can move out of one of the two bearings, impairing brake pedal actuation.

What are the hazards?

The loss of braking effectiveness may pose an accident hazard for the driver and other road users.

Where the product was sold


What should consumers do?

A letter will be sent to all affected owners. Owners can also contact their local Porsche Centre.

Other regulator reference numbers


PRA number: 2016/15286

Organisation Name

Porsche Cars Australia Ltd.