Baby Generation Nightwear Clothing

Notice Date

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Product Description

Product description

All in one clothing - Baby Generation Nightwear Clothing

Identifying features

B029, A005, B006, B003, B004, A008, A012

What are the defects?

The garments do not carry the required category 4 High Fire Danger warning label information as required by the mandatory standard for children's sleepwear and limited daywear, AS/NZS 1249:2003, as amended by the regulation.

What are the hazards?

The garment may present a fire hazard. Failure to include the fire hazard information label may result in consumers being unaware of the fire danger rating for these garments.

Dates available for sale

1st July 2009 - 10th May 2016

Where the product was sold

South Australia

Traders who sold this product

Haggle Baby

What should consumers do?

Cease using the clothing/nightwear and return to Haggle Baby 647 Port Rd, Woodville, SA 5011 for a refund.

Official Reference

PRA number: 2016/15373

Organisation Name